kayaking checklist

Getting back to kayaking after winter

Nearly time to get back on the water after a winter break? Discover our checklist to be ready for our next kayak trip.


Taking to the water for a kayak trip is a great way to enjoy yourself and relax. However, going out at sea should not be taken lightly, and it's better to ask yourself the right questions before you leave. A checklist for the savvy kayaker, with Itiwit !

kayak checklist weather

#1 What is the weather forecast?

The sky is blue and the sea is calm. But how will it be in a few hours? When kayaking, it's essential to check the weather forecast, and not just to see if it will be sunny or cloudy.

The most important thing is to know if wind is forecast, as well as its strength and direction. Make sure you also find out the sea conditions, currents, and wave height. This is precious information, which you can find for free on météoconsult.fr.

kayak trip checklist

#2 Who is kayaking with me?

It is often not advisable to go out alone. But if the conditions are good and all the parameters are favorable, why not?

A kayak trip as a couple or pair in the same kayak can allow you to go further than you could alone. Conversely, a trip with family or friends is more about making great memories than covering great distances!

map kayak trip

#3 What route should i choose at sea?

To decide, take into account your physical condition on the day and your general training. Above all, never overestimate yourself: this will make sure you have good memories of your trip !

The safest option is to plan your route on a map of the sea: this will allow you to look at distances and possible alternative routes.

kayak day trip checklist

#4 What is the aim of my kayak trip?

Kayaking offers many pleasures! If you fancy spending some soothing time on the water and enjoying the landscape, or observing the seabed, a kayak trip of less than 20 km will be enough. Don't forget to take your snorkelling kit or your binoculars!

On a more physically challenging outing, of 30 km or over, things can get interesting. Make sure you always adapt the distance to your physical condition and the weather conditions.

regulation kayak

#5 Are there special regulations where i want to kayak?

Another thing people sometimes forget: check whether your planned route goes through specific zones, such as marine sanctuaries or protected areas. Kayaking is rarely prohibited in such areas, but sometimes disembarking and other connected activities (fishing, diving) are. While you're checking, you can also find out what animals you might see!


kayaking gear checklist

#6 How should i dress to go kayaking?

Forget going out in just a swimsuit and a life vest! That's the best way to come back red like a lobster.

The minimum you should take is shorts, a T-shirt or anti-UV clothing, and sun cream in summer, and warm, waterproof kayaking gear in winter.

checklist provision kayak

#7 What provisions should i take on board?

One thing is essential: enough water (2 litres/person). On a more sporty trip, take food that is quick to eat, such as cereal bars or fruit jelly sweets. For a leisurely outing, you can take a picnic, because the weight of your kayak won't be so important.

checklist kayak day trip

#8 What time should i plan to come back?

It's important to let a friend or family member know you're going, and give them a time by which you expect to be back: if you're late, they can alert the rescue services. You should also tell them your intended route. This applies even if you're going out as a group !

basic kayak safety checklist

#9 What safety equipment should i take with me in my kayak?

This depends on your route. If you intend to stay within 300 m, the minimum you should take is: a life vest, first aid kit and mobile phone. If you're going further than this, check our guide on obligatory safety equipment to take out to sea according to where you're going.



#10 Camera or video camera?

The choice is yours! Especially today, you can film with a camera and take photos with a video camera. Your equipment isn't waterproof? Take a watertight container to store it at sea, but also to protect it from the sand on the beach


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